Endless Space 2 Trade Agreements

Endless Space 2 Trade Agreements: What You Need to Know

As a spacefaring civilization in Endless Space 2, one of the keys to your success is establishing trade agreements with other factions. These agreements allow you to exchange resources, boost your economy, and build diplomatic relationships with other factions in the game.

In this article, we`ll take a closer look at how trade agreements work in Endless Space 2, and give you some tips on how to make the most of them.

Types of Trade Agreements

There are two main types of trade agreements in Endless Space 2: Import and Export.

An Import agreement allows you to import a particular resource from another faction, usually in exchange for another resource. For example, you might agree to import food from a faction that has excess food, in exchange for exporting dust or science from your own empire.

An Export agreement, on the other hand, allows you to export a resource to another faction in exchange for something else. For example, you might agree to export luxury resources like wine or spices to a faction in exchange for peace or a boost to your diplomatic relationship.

Building Trade Routes

To establish a trade agreement, you`ll need to build a trade route between your empire and the other faction. This is done by building a trade ship and sending it to the other faction`s system. Once it arrives, you`ll be able to negotiate a trade agreement with the faction`s leader.

To maximize the benefits of your trade agreement, it`s important to choose the right resources to trade. Look for resources that the other faction needs, but which you have in abundance. This will allow you to get the most out of your agreements and strengthen your overall economy.

Risks and Rewards

While trade agreements can be very beneficial, there are also risks to consider. Some factions may try to exploit you by demanding a lot in exchange for very little, or they may simply break the agreement and stop trading with you altogether.

On the other hand, some factions may be very generous and offer you more than you expect. It`s worth taking a calculated risk and building relationships with other factions, as the rewards can be significant.

Final Thoughts

As you explore the galaxy in Endless Space 2, remember that trade agreements can play a vital role in your success. By building strong relationships with other factions and making smart trades, you can boost your economy, acquire valuable resources, and establish yourself as a dominant power in the galaxy.