Low Voltage Contractor Agreement

As a low voltage contractor, it`s important to have a solid agreement in place with your clients. A well-crafted contract can protect both parties and mitigate potential issues down the line. Here are some key elements to consider when drafting a low voltage contractor agreement.

Scope of Work:

Clearly define the services you will be providing as well as what is not included. This should include any timelines and milestones that will be met during the project.

Pricing and Payment:

Outline how you will be compensated and when payments are due. This should also include any fees or penalties for late payments or additional work.

Intellectual Property:

Specify who owns the intellectual property rights for any work completed during the project. This includes any software, code, or other materials developed as part of the project.


Include a confidentiality clause to protect any sensitive information exchanged during the project. This should include non-disclosure and non-compete agreements if necessary.

Liability and Indemnification:

Define your liability limits and what happens in the event of damage or loss. Also, consider adding an indemnification clause to protect yourself from any legal action resulting from the project.


Include a termination clause, allowing either party to terminate the agreement in specific circumstances. This should also outline any fees or penalties associated with early termination.

Dispute Resolution:

Outline a process for resolving disputes should they arise. This could include mediation or arbitration and should provide a clear outcome for any disagreements.

By including these elements in your low voltage contractor agreement, you can ensure that both you and your clients are protected throughout the project. Remember to have your agreement reviewed by a legal professional to ensure its validity and enforceability.